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Why Is Video Marketing So Important In 2022

A post about why video marketing is so impotant in 2022 to business owners

In this post, I’ll share with you why is video marketing so important in 2022 for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Today, operating a small business means competing against other businesses potentially with more resources. To get ahead of the competition, you need to be intelligent with how you market your business.

What are the best ways to market your business? Among the most effective tools, you could utilise today includes video marketing. In terms of pound-for-pound returns on investment, video marketing might be the highest-ranking marketing format out there!

With video, you can add a more human touch to your marketing. You can speak to people in a way and a tone that feels in step with your business. You can win people over with informative, creative content that ignites their interest. But of all the forms of marketing out there today, why should you focus on video marketing for small businesses?

To show how powerful video marketing is, let’s look at the trends of 2022. First, let’s look at the number of businesses that use video marketing as part of their marketing arsenal – a remarkable 86%! In addition to this, 93% of these marketers declared that video marketing is one of the most important aspects of their marketing strategy.

And this is because video marketing works.

LinkedIn highlights that the most seen and shared content on their platform are videos:

  • Video is 5x more likely than other types of content to start a conversation among members.
  • LinkedIn members spend almost 3x more time watching video ads compared to time spent with static Sponsored Content.

Source: LinkedIn

How To Succeed In Video Marketing

You will appreciate this no fluff, no filler, jam-packed E-book (researched and written in August 2022).

This free Ebook comes fully loaded with easy-to-understand, easy-to-do best practices that you can implement to significantly increase your chances of getting more customers/clients through using video marketing in your business.

Why Is Video Marketing So Important In 2022

Prior to the smartphone, producing and distributing video was prohibitively expensive. Many small businesses could not afford video marketing. Major brands dominated video because they had the resources to create professional videos and air them during commercial breaks on television.

The smartphone changed the rules of the game in multiple ways. And, for once, it stacked the deck in favour of small businesses rather than large corporations. Nowhere is this more apparent than in a video.

A small business owner can now create and publish a video in seconds, reaching hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people.

In this post, I’ll explain why video is so effective for small businesses and how your company can get started with video marketing in small easy steps.

Why Video Is Important to Your Customers/Clients

While video marketing can be low-effort, it is far from effortless. And, let’s face it, as a small business owner, you already have a lot on your plate.

Why should you devote time and money to video marketing? The answer is simple: because video attracts more customers.

So, whether you own a jewellery store, a catering company, or a dentist who promotes healthy teeth and gums, videos should be a part of your marketing strategy!

What Makes Video So Powerful?

Video clearly works, but why? Much of it is due to the way our brains are wired.

Other mediums simply cannot elicit an emotional response like video, and studies show that up to 95 percent of purchasing decisions are made subconsciously on an emotional level.

Reason 1: Images are processed faster than words.

The fact that our brains can process images much faster than words is one clear reason why video works better than other forms of communication. MIT researchers discovered that the human brain can process an image in as little as 13 milliseconds.

Not only that, but our brains can process images concurrently, whereas words are processed in a linear manner. Why is that important?

Because if the information is easier to process, it is also easier to remember.

According to studies, we retain 95 percent of information from video versus only 10% from the text. And what is the point of advertising if people don’t remember it?

Reason 2: Seeing other people’s faces elicits empathy.

It all boils down to how we are wired. Mirror neurons are found in our brains. When we observe the facial expressions of others, these neurons fire, causing us to empathize with them.

We essentially put ourselves in their shoes.

And, while we’re on the subject of shoes, do you see why Nike commercials are so effective? Because they so artfully portray people and acts of greatness, you can literally feel greatness for a few brief seconds.

How Can You Get Your Videos in Front of Potential Customers/Clients for Your Business?

Before we dive into this question, let’s be clear: videos don’t have to be professionally produced and edited. This post isn’t about making a TV commercial. We’re talking about creating and distributing videos in areas where your customers are likely to be found. Unlike in the days of TV dinners, consumers are unlikely to be glued to the television screen during commercial breaks.

Know Who Your Customers/Clients Are

You should have already created a customer avatar and know who your customer is. Understanding your customer is the first step toward determining where they spend their time.

A CPA offering tax services to wealthy individuals, for example, has a very different audience than someone selling beauty products directly to consumers.

Where they are is determined by who they are.

You can begin to understand where your customers spend their time online once you know who they are.

Which small business owner in the preceding example is better served by creating a weekly insights & advice video series and promoting it on LinkedIn?

And which owner should be uploading quick video testimonials from satisfied customers and product reviews to Facebook and TikTok?

Keep in mind that video is a type of content marketing that is intended to attract and retain an audience. That way, when the time comes to buy, you’ll be top of mind.

That will not happen unless you get your video in front of the right people.

So, where are your customers/clients nowadays?

While there are well over a billion websites online these days, the majority of people’s online time is spent in one or more of the following places:

LinkedIn  Facebook  Instagram  TikTok  Snap Chat  Pinterest  Reddit  YouTube

All of these channels allow you to reach a large number of people with whatever videos you want to make. There are numerous resources available to assist you in understanding how to optimise your video strategy to reach more of your target audience on each of these platforms. Make certain you understand the best practices for the platform(s) you select.

What Kinds of Videos Can Your Business Make to Generate More Customers/Clients? 

You now understand why videos are effective. You did your research to find out where your customers spend their time. You’ve even researched the best ways to get your videos in front of them. You must now decide what type(s) of videos you want to create. 

Here are four of the most effective low-cost/low-effort videos you can make: 

Video Demo/Explainer 

If your small business sells products, make short demo videos that show how those products solve problems. Video is an excellent way to demonstrate how those products work so that customers can see them in action. 

Video Testimonial 

Remember how we said potential customers should put themselves in the shoes of the person in the video they’re watching? What better way to sell your products or services than to put potential customers in the shoes of one of your satisfied customers? 

When you’re with a satisfied customer, pull out your phone and ask a few simple questions about their experience with your company. 

Info Style Videos  

These are ideal if your small business provides a service of some kind. You obviously have a wealth of knowledge that people pay you for as a service professional. Offering some of that knowledge in the form of a video not only helps people understand their situation but also shows that you know your stuff. 

When the time comes to hire a professional, you will have already established a level of trust with the potential customer, increasing the likelihood that they will come to you for assistance. 

Video of the Company’s History 

People buy from people, especially when it comes to small businesses. You are not a large, stale corporation. You’re a small business with a one-of-a-kind story to tell. Use video to inform customers/clients: 

  • Your identity 
  • Why are you so enthusiastic about your company? 
  • What they can anticipate from you 

Allow them to see and feel how much you enjoy what you do. There is simply no better way to accomplish this than through video!

Now It’s Time To Start Making Your Videos

So, what are you holding out for? While diving into video can be intimidating, there is no better time to start than now. Video is preferred by your customers/clients over other mediums. And you can gain a significant advantage over your competitors by creating the type of content they desire!

So pull out your iPhone, press record, and begin having more meaningful interactions with your potential customers/clients.

Why Is Video Marketing So Important In 2022, first appeared in Lloyd’s Marketing Blog Post 13th September 2022 

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E-book – 365 Awesome Social Media Post Ideas

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30 Social Media Engagement Posts

These Facebook and Instagram engagement posts are suitable for any type of business. And they come with a text introduction for each social media post image. Click here to download them now.

100 Motivational/Inspirational Facebook and Instagram posts. The ideal way to inspire your followers each day. These also come with a suggested text introduction. You can check them out here.

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